Structure and differences in extroversion in Croatian sport coaches

Volume 3, Issue 1 (2013)

Structure and differences in extroversion in Croatian sport coaches
Joško Sindik
The aim of the study was to find the latent structure of extraversion and differences between coaches of different sports in the facets of extraversion, according to the set of independent variables, socio-demographic and related to former athletic career and coaching. A total of 88 coaches of various sports in Croatia were examined, during a seminar for coaches Croatian Olympic Academy. For the measurement of extraversion was used shortened version EPQ questionnaire. Based on selected items of the EPQ questionnaire,  two interpretable and reliable facets of extraversion were found, but not for the introversion. Only one statistically significant difference was found in the dimension of sociability, where it was shown that the female coaches are more sociable than men. In the dimension of impulsivity, it was shown that more impulsive are the coaches who won medals at the national championships during their own sport career, as well as those who have terminated a carrier by decision of their sport club and those who terminate career voluntarily. Former members of the national team are more impulsive than those who were not, while the male coaches are more impulsive than the female coaches.
extroversion, facets, impulsivity, sociability
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