The Influence Of The Experimental Program Of The Sport Recreation On The Transformations Of The Morphological Characteristictics, Motoric And Functional Abilities

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2011)

The Influence Of The Experimental Program Of The Sport Recreation On The Transformations Of The Morphological Characteristictics, Motoric And Functional Abilities
Pane Mandić, Osmo Bajrić, Nikša Lolić
The research has been carried out on the sample of 300 examinees – workmen of the metal industry „ Jelsingrad“ of Banja Luka, at the age between 20 and 40. The sample was divided into two groups of 150 examinees each (experimental and control group). There has been applied 6 variables of morphological characteristics, 6 variables of motoric abilities and 6 variables of functional abilities.
The main purpose of the research has been to establish the effects of experimental program of the sport recreation on the transformations of morphological characteristics, motoric and functional abilities of the workmen of the metal industry „Jelsingrad“ of Banja Luka.
In order to find out the effects of the experimental program of the sport recreation on the transformations of the morphological characteristics, motoric and functional abilities, the results were presented of the basic stastistic parameters and multivariant importance of differences in the system of variables of the experimental and control group in the initial and final measurement.
With the analysis of the results achieved it can be concluded that the applied experimental program produced the statistically important transformations almost in all the applied variables at the experimental group in the final measurement in relation to the control group.
morphological characteristics, motoric and functional abilities, workmen
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