The Impact of the Pilates Program on the Mobility of Middle-Aged Women

Volume 12, Issue 1 (2022)

The Impact of the Pilates Program on the Mobility of Middle-Aged Women
Nataša Nikić, Dejan Milenković
The aim of the study was to determine the impact of a 16-week Pilates program on the mobility of middle-aged women. The research involved 16 Pilates female exercisers who have been practicing this recreational exercise for at least a year, three times a week. Shoulder Circumduction Test, V Sit and Reach Test, Groin Flexibility Test, Back Scratch Test and Calf Muscle Flexibility Test were used to assess flexibility. In addition to descriptive parameters, repeated-measures ANOVA and Fisher LSD were used in the analysis. 16-week Pilates program has had a positive  effect on changes in mobility in female exercisers both in the upper part of the body, in the area of the shoulder girdle (p < .05), and in the lower part of the body, in the area of the pelvic girdle and hip joint (p < .05). There were no statistically significant changes in plantar flexion. It can be concluded that the Pilates program effectively affects the improvement of flexibility in the shoulder region and the pelvic girdle and hip joint, while in plantar flexors of the feet a statistically significant improvement in the level of mobility under the influence of Pilates exercise was not observed.
Ključne riječi: 
female exercisers, pilates, training, flexibility
Puni tekst: 
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