Volume 10, Issue 1 (2020)

Saša Jovanović, Saša Marković, Nikola Ilić
This research aimed to determine the relationship between motor skills and the precision of shooting in handball. A battery of 21 motor tests was applied to a sample of 36 male subjects aged 20-22 years. Criteria variables were selected representing shots from the position with 7m and 9m and jump shots with 9m. The general results of the canonical analysis indicated a canonical correlation value of 0.974, with the HI value of the test square being 114.44 and a statistically significant correlation of the variables used at the p .042 level. 3 canonical roots were obtained of which only the fi rst showed statistical signifi cance p .042. Observing the correlations of the variables used, it can be said that the motor abilities of explosive power, agility and coordination discriminated respondents results in performing situational-motor tasks. The results of the analysis of the criterion variables indicate that the largest projection on the fi rst canonical root is shown by the variable 9mSKOK (0.739), and the variables 9mSTAV (0.484) and 7mSTAV (0.043). The obtained results confi rm the positive relation of the situational motor ability of the shot precision with the level tested motor abilities, ie. a higher level of motor skills of agility and coordination, repetitive and explosive power is directly related to the success of performing a shot on goal from the positions used.
handball, precision, shot, motor, students
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