Relationship between physical fitness and lifestyle of early school-aged boys and girls

Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)

Relationship between physical fitness and lifestyle of early school-aged boys and girls
Zorica Stankovska, Valon Nikqi, Serjoza Gontarev, Zharko Kostovski

Monitoring physical fi tness is a strong indicator of health status in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
School provides an ideal environment to assess and monitor the level of physical fi tness in children. The research aims to
determine the correlation between the physical fi tness of early school-aged children (6 to 10 years old) and their lifestyle,
particularly the time spent in physical activity. The study was conducted on a sample of 940 participants aged 6 to 10, randomly
selected from several primary schools in the Skopje region. The sample was divided into two subgroups by gender,
consisting of 466 male participants and 474 female participants. Diff erences between groups were determined through
one-factor multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA and ANCOVA) with age partialization. The
results of this research show a correlation among male participants who engaged in more than 60 minutes of daily physical
activity and tests assessing physical fi tness (motor skills). For girls, self-reported physical activity was only associated with
results on the 20-meter progressive shuttle run test.

children; physical fi tness; lifestyle; physical activity
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