Volume 11, Issue 1 (2021)

Vladan M. Pelemiš, Ivan Prskalo, Zoran Momčilović, Vladimir Momčilović
On a sample of a total of 56 subjects, divided into two subsamples: 30 boys and 26 girls, measurements of 8 anthropometric measures and assessment of biotic motor knowledge were performed using the motor test “The Test of Gross Motor Development” (TGMD-2). The aim of the study was to determine gender diff erences in morphological characteristics betw een preschool children as well as the association of morphological characteristics with the motor test for the assessment of biotic
motor skills for both sexes. The results of the research indicate the existence of statistically signifi cant diff erences between boys and girls in morphological characteristics. These diff erences were manifested in the motor test, transverse dimensionality and subcutaneous fat in favor of boys, and in longitudinal dimensionality and volume and mass in favor of girls. It was further determined that the system of predictor variables in girls was signifi cantly related to the variable for the assessment of biotic motor knowledge, while this cannot be stated for boys. This linearity of results indicates that the percentage of body fat in the body reduces the ability of girls to achieve better results in the motor test, which is largely under the control of the movement structuring system. It should also be noted that it would be good to use these types of motor tests with preschool children in which the child repeatedly confronts diff erent situations on the one hand, and on the other hand improves the speed of alternative hand movements, explosive power, and a good part of the structuring mechanism. movements.
analysis of variance, correlation, preschool age, morphological characteristics.
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