Longitudinal Skeleton Dimensionality in Children with Disturbed Body Posture

Volume 8, Issue 2 (2018)

Longitudinal Skeleton Dimensionality in Children with Disturbed Body Posture
Zoran Milić, Sandra Vujkov, Szabolcs Halasi, Josip Lepeš
Disturbed body posture in children changes the musculoskeletal system significantly. Muscular disbalance i.e. muscular asymmetry in both the sagittal and the frontal plane can affect the variation level of the longitudinal skeleton dimensionality. The conducted research included a sample of 67 children in the municipality of Subotica, out of which 22 had kyphotic disturbed body posture, 18 had lordotic disturbed body posture while 27 had fl at feet. The aim of the research was to determine the differences in longitudinal dimensions in children aged 10 and 11 who have disturbed body posture. The obtained results indicate a statistically significant difference in arms’ length (p=0.02).
posture, disturbed body posture, longitudinal dimensionality
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