Differences in physical activity level between 3rd and 4th grade pupil of elementary schools

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2020)

Differences in physical activity level between 3rd and 4th grade pupil of elementary schools
Ivana Klaričić, Tihomir Vidranski, Matea Cvitanović
The aim of this research was to determine diff erences in physical activity (PA) level between 3rd grade pupils (3 lessons of PE per week) and 4th grade (2 lessons of PE per week) pupils of elementary school. Partial aims were refering to determine gender diff erences. The set of entities included 400 3rd and 4th grade pupils of elementary school. In the 3rd grade participated 200 pupils, 93 girls and 107 boys and in the 4th grade 200 pupils participated in the research, of which 102 girls and 98 boys. PA level was estimated by the croatian version of PAQ - C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children) which estimates overall weekly PA by summarising nine partial parameters of PA and PA occuring during PE lesson is one of them. Diff erences in level of overall PA between 3rd grade pupils and 4th grade pupils of elementary school were not determined. Also gender diff erences in level of overall PA (3rd or 4th grade pupils) were not determined. Only determined gender diff erences were the ones in some partial parameters of PA. According to the pupil’s average result during PE (4,60), conclusion is that pupils were active often or every time, whereby the purpose of the PE lesson is in large scale fullfi lled. The future research need to upgrade questionnaires for estimation of physical activity level based on self-evaluation, also need to determine reasons of pupil’s insuffi cient levels of PA in some partial parameters of PA in order to raise level of overall PA.
physical activity, questionnaire, young school age, gender differences, Physical Education
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