Volume 11, Issue 1 (2021)

Živković Vuković Jelena Andrea, Buišić Svetlana
Proper posture is an unavoidable part of physical education of preschool and younger school age children. Preventive approach is unavoidable from preschool age, by applying preventive physical exercises both as part of physical education activities and during daily stay in kindergartens, and it is necessary to apply the same in physical education classes at a younger school age, as well as during children’s stay. at school. In o rder to implement this in a quality manner, it is necessary for educators and teachers to acquire basic knowledge in the fi eld of corrective gymnastics, already during basic studies. Therefore, there is a need to include this subject in the curriculum of basic studies of all teachers and pedagogical faculties, as well as higher vocational schools for educators, as mandatory.
corrective gymnastics, teachers, educators, program, education.
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