The Effectiveness of Massage to Increase the Work Productivity of Persons With Disabilities
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
The Effectiveness of Massage to Increase the Work Productivity of Persons With Disabilities
The development of human resources starts from the womb even earlier by paying attention to the level of welfare
of expectant mothers, then babies, toddlers, preschool and school age, youth, productive age to old age. The research
aims to test and fi nd out the eff ectiveness of this type of health massage in increasing work productivity which consists of
motivation, knowledge, skills, attitudes and independence for people with disabilities with physical disabilities. This study
used a quasi-experimental research method with a one group time series design (pretest one post test). The design carried
out the fi rst observation (pretest) after that the posttest observation. The treatment group was measured by giving a type of
massage therapy to the work productivity of the disabled with physical disabilities which would be known to consist of fi ve
(5) infl uencing factors, namely: (1) motivation, (2) knowledge, (3) skills, (4) attitudes and ( 5) independence. The research
sample was taken from the existing population using a non-random sampling technique with a purposive sampling method.
Data collection is obtained through tests and measurements. The test instrument used to measure work productivity uses a
questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is analysis of variance. The research results show that there is a signifi cant
diff erence between the initial variable and the fi nal variable with a signifi cance value (2-tailed) <0.05 through paired t-test.
Meanwhile, through the ANOVA test results obtained a signifi cance of 0.267. So that it can be interpreted that there is a
signifi cant infl uence on the treatment given with health massage on work productivity variables consisting of motivation,
knowledge, skills, attitudes and independence for people with disabilities with physical disabilities. The increase in work
productivity that has experienced the greatest or most eff ective increase is in the motivational variable with a percentage
increase of 16.75%.
Massage, Health, Work productivity, Disability
Full Text:
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