Differences Between Professional and Recreational Athletes in Psychological Characteristics And Habits During the Covd-19 Pandemic
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Differences Between Professional and Recreational Athletes in Psychological Characteristics And Habits During the Covd-19 Pandemic
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating diff erences between recreational and professional athletes
in perfectionism, distress, coping strategies, and changes in sports activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants
in the study consisted of a sample of 389 professional and recreational athletes. The results of the conducted analysis
indicate the existence of certain diff erences between the two considered groups. On average, professional athletes score
higher on the perfectionism scale than recreational athletes (t=-2,92, p<,01). Also, professional athletes were on average
more likely to use relaxation techniques before (t=-8,30, p<,01) and during lockdown (t=-6,20, p<,01) compared to recreational
athletes. Furthermore, professional athletes estimated that on average they missed training (t=-6,52, p<,01) and
sports performances more (t=-11,30; p<,01) compared to recreational athletes. On average, professional athletes report
a signifi cantly larger reduction in training compared to recreational athletes (t=4,23, p<,01). Considering our results, we
think it would be benefi cial to focus on this topic in future studies.
coping with stress, changes in sports activities, perfectionism tendencies
Full Text:
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