Dalcroze Method and Its Impact to Motor, Locomotor Status and Movement Aestethic

Volume 12, Issue 1 (2022)

Dalcroze Method and Its Impact to Motor, Locomotor Status and Movement Aestethic
Svetlana Lazić
Dalcroze method presents the process of linking the sound into the body action in which musical skills can overcome through kinaesthetic exercises. The emphasis is on attention focused and directed to movement realisation, which is why the conscious attention between body and mind arise. The natural body movement, supported by musical content is mastering into organised act, by which body becomes an instrument and transfer certain parts of music in the movement. The author offers the review of researches about Dalcroze method contribution to every age of life, concluding that it presents a good strategy for every day’s life monitoring, the way of integrative learning and melodic fulfilment of physical exercises. It doesn’t know the age restrictions and is applicable through the whole life.
Dalcroze method, body, movement, music, rhythm, improvisation.
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