Volume 12, Issue 2 (2022)

Yudik Prasetyo, Susan Susanto

This study aims to determine the understanding of prospective Hajj health workers regarding physical exercise and performance from the aspects of cardio-respiration, BMI, fat percentage, and body age. This research is mixed meth- ods research that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches with a transformative design strategy. The population of this study were all prospective Hajj health workers in the city of Yogyakarta. The sample used in this study were 31 peo- ple. The data collection technique used is observation, written release. Performance data obtained through the Rockport test, BMI, body fat percentage, and age. Qualitative data analysis was carried out through interactive analysis in the form of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and finally drawing conclusions. Quantitative data analysis uses the average rating to find out the average performance level of prospective haj health workers. shows that the understanding of physical exercise in prospective Hajj health workers increases (from not knowing to knowing). Most of the haj health workers understand more about material on measuring physical fitness, steps of physical exercise, principles of exercise, models of physical exercise, and physical training programs for preparation for hajj. The results of the performance of pro- spective health workers, there are 71% in the average category based on cardiorespiratory, 48.4% are overweight based on BMI, 61.3% are categorized as normal based on fat percentage, and 71% are in the elderly category based on body age. An understanding of the physical development and performance of prospective Hajj health workers must be prepared and improved in stages, because Hajj health workers do not only work while in Mecca and Medina, but also during preparation for health and fitness coaching.

physical training, performance, cardio-respiration, BMI, body age
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