Analysis of the Physical Conditions of Indonesian Beach Volleyball Players in 2022
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)
Analysis of the Physical Conditions of Indonesian Beach Volleyball Players in 2022
This research is preliminary research which aims to determine the results of the dominant physical condition
components in beach volleyball athletes. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The sampling technique used was
purpose sampling. A sample of 12 volleyball players was obtained which was divided into two subsamples, namely 6 men and
6 women. The instruments used are the push up test, vertical jump, and bleep test. The data analysis technique uses descriptive
analysis expressed in percentage form. with results (1) The arm muscle endurance of men’s beach volleyball athletes at
Pelatnas in 2021 is in the “Adequate” category at 66.67% (4 athletes), while female athletes are in the “Adequate” category
at 66.67% (4 athletes) . (2) The cardiorespiratory endurance (VO2 Max) of the 2021 National Pelatnas men’s beach volleyball
athletes is in the “Adequate” category at 50.00% (3 athletes), while the female athletes are in the “Adequate” category at
50.00% (3 athlete). (3) The leg muscle strength of male beach volleyball athletes at Pelatnas in 2021 is in the “Good” category
at 50.00% (3 athletes), while the female athletes are in the “Poor” category at 33.33% (2 athletes), “Fair ” by 33.33%
(2 athletes), “Good” by 33.33% (2 athletes). From these dominant components, it can be concluded that Indonesian sand
volleyball players have less than optimal results, so it is necessary to vary the training program by the coach
arm muscle endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance (VO2 max), leg muscle power, sand volleyball
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