Theraband Exercise Program: Effective to Improve the Muscle Fitness of the Elderly

Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)

Theraband Exercise Program: Effective to Improve the Muscle Fitness of the Elderly
Ahmad Nasrulloh, Sumaryanti, Sigit Nugroho, Rina Yuniana, Farid Imam Nurhadi, Rifky Riyandi Prastyawan, Dewangga Yudhistira, Gunathevan Elumalai

Physical activity in the elderly is still primarily focused on cardiorespiratory exercise, with less emphasis
placed on muscle fitness. Thus, exercises to promote muscular fitness are required. As a result, in the Covid-19 era, a fun
fitness concept was developed to improve muscle fitness. The development process, however, must include validation and
effectiveness testing. The research aims were to (1) examine the content’s validity and (2) examine the eff ectiveness of the
fun fitness training model. The development of a quantitative and qualitative approach was the research method used.
Seven experts took part in the study, including five licenced fi tness instructors and two sports academics. The effectiveness
test included 30 elderly men and women aged 60 years and weighing 60-80 kg. A 1-4 Likert scale questionnaire, hand grip
dynamometer, and leg dynamometer were used as research instruments. SPSS and Excel software was used to help with
the Aiken formula data analysis technique and the paired samples t-test. The research was divided into four stages: (1)
Developing models through the qualitative analysis of books and e-books; (2) evaluating the model quantitatively using
the Delphi method; (3) Examining the fi ndings of the evaluation of seven specialists; and (4) Conducting tests to assess
the results. The 12 models were deemed realistic based on the seven experts’ collective qualitative findings. According to
quantitative findings, the value coeffi cients for the material’s suitability, depth, and practicality range from V 0.76 to V
0.80. A signifi cance value of 0.000<0.05 indicates that the findings of testing the eff ectiveness of the fun fi tness model can
signifi cantly improve the strength of the arm and leg muscles. In conclusion, the fun fitness training model shows high
content validity and has the potential to improve elderly muscle fitness.

Ključne riječi: 
Exercise models, fun fi tness, elderly, muscle fitness
Puni tekst: 

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