Quality of Life and Physical Conditioning in Women

Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)

Quality of Life and Physical Conditioning in Women
Dejan Milenković, Ivana Zubić, Nataša Nikić

The aim of this study was to determine the diff erences in the level of quality of life and physical conditioning
between women who are engaged in some form of recreational exercise and women who do not have organized physical
exercise. The study involved 60 women of 25 to 45 years old divided into a group engaged in recreational exercise at least
a year (30) and a group of non-exercisers (30). A quality of life questionnaire was used to examine the attitudes about the
level of quality of life, while a battery of diagnostic tests in the level of physical fi tness was assessed. T-test for independent
samples was used to compare the two groups. The results showed statistically signifi cant diff erences in favor of exercisers when it comes
to the expression of overall quality of life, as well as the dimensions of mental and physical health and environmental impact. Observing
physical performance, women who actively exercise showed a higher degree of physical fi tness compared to physically inactive respondents.
Therefore, it can be concluded that physical activity has a positive eff ect on improving quality of life and physical conditioning in
women who are engaged in some form of recreational activity.

Ključne riječi: 
physical exercise, mental and physical health, exercisers, non-exercisers
Puni tekst: 

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