Volume 11, Issue 1 (2021)

Velibor Srdić, Milan Nešić
Empirical transversal study was conducted with the aim of checking the validity of the questionnaire or measuring the quality of services in a dance club. The research sample consisted of a total of 194 respondents, users of the services of the Dance Club “Gemma” Banja Luka (active members). Subsampling w as performed through two research areas: (1) in relation to gender (M = 31; F = 163) and (2) in relation to the user experience- length of training in the club (up to 1 year; from 1 to 3 years; from 3 to 7 years; more than 7 years). As a research instrument, a modifi ed questionnaire SQKC (Service Quality of Karate Club) was used to assess the quality of services in the karate club, which in this case was used as a scale for individual assessment of the quality of sports services in the dance club and consists of 15 indicators of sports services. Respondents expressed their assessment by rounding off the numbers on a fi vepoint Likert-type scale. The results obtained by surveying the respondents show that the club provides high quality services (average score 4.16). Discriminant analysis found that user experience and gender did not aff ect the perception of the quality of sports services. When identifying the internal agreement of the scale used, it was determined that the scale has good internal agreement Cronbach’s Alpha =, 932), which indicates its good metric characteristics. The questionnaire used should also be checked at other dance clubs, and the good metric characteristics of the SQDC (Service Quality of Dance Club) questionnaire are expected to prove reliable. 
dance club, SQDC questionnaire, quality of services
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